A Million Miles From Nowhere | Pooh | Supertesti.it

A Million Miles From Nowhere

Testo A Million Miles From Nowhere

Each day I get up early in the morning
make some breakeasy and i read the papers
have a cup of coffee myself together
the train won‘t wait forever.
Another day to make another dollar
a lot of day dreams till i reach the station
swallowed by the city in a sea of faces
just scurrying to different places.
I know somebody I‘ll pack my things and i‘ll go
somehow I‘m gonna find a way to be free
you and me we‘ll find ourselves an island
a million miles from nowhere.
Every day I dream the same old story
and every time I do the day seems longer
swallowed by the city in a sea of faces
just scurrying to different places.
I know someday I‘ll pack my thing and I‘ll go
somehow in gonna find a way to be free
you and me well find ourselves an island
a million miles from newhere.

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